Site Info > New on the Site > 2013

New on the Site

(Archives for 2013)

• 22.12.2013 In Section Theology>Studies>Iconology: → When Innovation and Creativity in Iconography Court Heresy: “Icons” of the Holy Family (English pdf, 707 KB)

• 21.12.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece>St. Philaret the Merciful Guild: → The Feast of St. Philaret the Merciful, Patron of the Women’s Guild Named For Him (English pdf, 900 KB)

• 19.12.2013 In Section Theology>Calendar>Synaxarion>December: → The Holy Hieromartyr Seraphim, Archbishop of Phanarion and Neochorion (English pdf, 1.4 MB)

• 09.12.2013 In Section Synod News>Synod Documents>Synod Ecclesiology: → The Ecclesiological Position of the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Bulgaria (English pdf, 188 KB)

• 06.12.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → Festal Agrypnia in Honor of the Holy Angels (English pdf, 221 KB)

• 03.12.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Italy: → Il Vescovo Silvano in Visita Pastorale al Monastero di San Michele e L’ordinazione di uno Ierodiacono (Italian pdf, 687 KB)

• 02.12.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → Fathers and Teachers of the Church (English pdf, 416 KB)

• 01.12.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Celebration of the Holy Three New Hierarchs (English pdf, 437 KB)

• 23.11.2013 In Section Synod News: → Слово на Интронизацiи (Enthronement Address) in Russian (Russian pdf, 579 KB)

• 22.11.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → Ordination of a Kenyan Hieromonk (English pdf, 192 KB)

• 21.11.2013 In Section Synod News: → SCRISOARE DE ÎNȘTIINȚARE (A Peaceable Epistle) (Romanian pdf, 272 KB)

• 20.11.2013 In Section Synod News: → ПОСЛАНИЕ МИРА (A Peaceable Epistle) (Russian pdf, 272 KB)

• 18.11.2013 In Section Synod News: → Ninth Joint Communiqué (English pdf, 35 KB)

• 15.11.2013 In Section Synod News: → The Regular Annual Meeting of the Holy Synod in Resistance, Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece (English pdf, 125 KB)

• 14.11.2013 In Section Synod News: → Discorso di Intronizzazione (Enthronement Address) in Italian (Italian pdf, 565 KB)

• 13.11.2013 In Section Theology>Christian Life>Spiritual Edification: → The Spiritual Father and the Spiritual Child: Love and Freedom, or Domination and Dependence? (English pdf, 529 KB)

• 09.11.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Visit to Holy Ascension Parish, Rochester, New York (English pdf, 883 KB)

• 31.10.2013 In Section Synod News: →

A Peaceable Epistle to His Eminence, Metropolitan Vlasie of Romania (English pdf, 92 KB)

A Peaceable Epistle to His Eminence, Metropolitan Agafangel, First Hierarch of the R.O.C.A. (English pdf, 92 KB)

A Peaceable Epistle to His Eminence, Bishop Photii of Triaditza, Bulgaria (English pdf, 92 KB)

• 30.10.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → Metropolitan Cyprian Meets With the Mayor of Phyle (English pdf, 400 KB)

• 28.10.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Baptism at the St. Gregory Palamas Monastery (English pdf, 1.1 MB)

• 27.10.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Synodal Encyclical (English pdf, 439 KB)

• 26.10.2013 In Section Synod News: → Enthronement Address (English pdf, 665 KB)

• 25.10.2013 In Section Synod News: → The Election and Enthronement of the New Metropolitan of Oropos and Phyle, His Eminence, Metropolitan Cyprian, First Hierarch of the Holy Synod in Resistance (English pdf, 1.4 MB)

• 24.10.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → Appreciative Words of Thankfulness (English pdf, 23 KB)

• 21.10.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Feast Day of the Convent of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God in Bluffton, Alberta, Canada (English pdf, 1.6 MB)

• 20.10.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Annual Patronal Feast of the Holy Metropolitic Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina (English pdf, 1.6 MB)

• 17.10.2013 In Section Synod News: → Informatory Communiqué: The Election of a New Metropolitan of Oropos and Phyle and His Elevation as First Hierarch of the Holy Synod in Resistance (English pdf, 557 KB)

• 16.10.2013 In Section Theology>Calendar>Synaxarion>October: → Do we Bear the Name of God? (English pdf, 187 KB)

• 13.10.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Encyclical at the Outset of the New Ecclesiastical Year (English pdf, 121 KB; French pdf, 127 KB; Italian pdf, 337 KB; Russian pdf, 297 KB;)

• 12.10.2013 In Section Synod News: → Standing Holy Synod: Period VI, Fourteenth Meeting (September 20, 2013, Old Style) (English pdf, 704 KB)

• 10.10.2013 In Section Annals>America: → A New Publication by Two C.T.O.S. Scholars (English pdf, 296 KB)

• 09.10.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Sweden: → The Picturesque Chapel of St. Joseph the Betrothed in Northern Sweden and its Moving Story (English pdf, 748 KB)

• 08.10.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Pastoral Visit to the Church of St. John the Baptist in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (English pdf, 1.6 MB)

• 26.09.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Rochester Parish Choir Director Awarded Doctor Degree (English pdf, 405 KB)

• 10.09.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Visit to the Convent of the Holy Protection in Bluffton, Alberta, Canada (English pdf, 4.2 MB)

• 09.09.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Repose and Funeral Service of the Reverend Mother Makrina, Abbess of the Holy Convent of St. Paraskeve, Acharnai (Athens) (English pdf, 871 KB)

• 23.08.2013 In Section Theology>Contemporary Challenges>Issues in Bioethics: → Our Holy Synod Supports the European Citizens' Initiative “One of Us” (English pdf, 225 KB)


• 05.08.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Einige Artikeln in deutscher Sprache:

Wir müssen uns davor hüten, andere zu verurteilen (German pdf, 297 KB)

Zehn Geboteum in Harmonie mit anderen zu leben (German pdf, 307 KB)

Der Teufel verabscheut ihre Verehrung (German pdf, 363 KB)

Eine aufrichtige und umfassende Beichte (German pdf, 335 KB)

Zwei erbauliche Erzählungen (German pdf, 340 KB)

• 02.08.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Enthronement of Archimandrite Theodosios, Hegumen (Abbot) of the Holy Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Phyle (Athens), Greece (English pdf, 658 KB)

• 01.08.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Annual Feast of the Convent of St. Elizabeth (English pdf, 480 KB)

• 26.07.2013 In Section Synod News: → Visit to Romania for the Feast of the Holy Hierarch Glicherie the Confessor (English pdf, 183 KB)

• 16.07.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Spiritual Weaponry of Our New Hegumen (Abbot) (English pdf, 430 KB)

• 15.07.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece>St. Philaret the Merciful Guild: → A Great Contemporary Miracle Wrought by the Holy Apostles for our Guild (English pdf, 458 KB)

• 14.07.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary (English pdf, 1.3 MB)

• 13.07.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Baptisms at the Exarchate Parish of St. John the Baptist in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (English pdf, 3 MB)

• 12.07.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Election of an Hegumen (Abbot) at the Holy Monastery of Saints Cyprian and Justina (English pdf, 1.1 MB)

• 08.07.2013 In Section Synod News: → A Chronicle of Acts Rendered in Gratitude: The Forty-Day Memorial Service for Metropolitan Cyprian (English pdf, 2.6 MB)

• 05.07.2013 In Section Synod News: → The Repose of our ever-memorable Metropolitan Cyprian: A Note of Appreciation (English pdf, 650 KB)

• 17.06.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume III, March-May, 2013 in French (French pdf, 2.9 MB), in Italian (Italian pdf, 2.9 MB) and in Russian (Russian pdf, 2.8 MB)

• 14.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → Words Spoken by Metropolitan Vlasie of Romania at the Funeral of Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle (English pdf, 31 KB)

• 11.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → Words Spoken by Bishop Photiy of Triaditza at the Funeral of Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle (English pdf, 14 KB)

• 10.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → The Repose and Funeral Service of His Eminence, our Metropolitan and Father Cyprian (English pdf, 1.1 MB)

• 09.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → LETTRE INFORMATIVE DU SAINT SYNODE (French pdf, 39 KB)

• 08.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → ОСВЕДОМИТЕЛЬНОЕ СИНОДАЛЬНОЕ ПИСЬМО (Russian pdf, 122 KB)

• 07.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → The Good Shepherd, The Man of God (English pdf, 58 KB)

- On the Occasion of the Sacred Repose of our Father and Elder, Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle

• 06.06.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume III, March-May, 2013 in Czech (Czech pdf, 3.6 MB) and in Swedish (Swedish pdf, 2.8 MB)

• 05.06.2013 In Section Annals>South Ossetia: → Pastoral Visit to South Ossetia (English pdf, 378 KB)

• 04.06.2013 In Section Synod News: → Informatory Synodal Epistle (English pdf, 575 KB)

• 30.05.2013 In Section Synod News: → ANNOUNCEMENT: The Repose of His Eminence, Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle (English pdf, 553 KB)

• 22.05.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume III, March-May, 2013 in English (English pdf, 3.1 MB)

• 03.05.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → List Z okazji Przesławnego Zmartwychwstania Pana i Boga i Zbawcy naszego Jezusa Chrystusa (Polish pdf, 209 KB)

• 30.04.2013 In Section Theology>Christian Life>Spiritual Edification: → “. . .Let Us Commend Ourselves to Christ”: The Anguish of Disbelief (English pdf, 46 KB)

• 29.04.2013 In Section Theology>Ecclesiology>Orthodox Resistance: → ”إنشقاق“ أم ”إنعزال“؟ (Arabic pdf, 191 KB)

• 28.04.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Encyclical for Holy Pascha 2013 (English pdf, 35 KB)

• 27.04.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Посланіе На Преславное Воскресеніе Господа и Бога и Спаса нашего Іисуса Христа (Russian pdf, 212 KB)

• 25.04.2013 In Section Synod News: → Second Joint Communiqué (English pdf, 484 KB)

• 22.04.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume II, December, 2012-February, 2013 in Georgian (Georgian pdf, 2.4 MB)

• 18.04.2013 In Section Administration>Synod News>Resistance Documents> Interviews : → Orthodoxy and Modernity

(an interview with His Grace, Bishop Ambrose, which appeared in the religious periodical, Vatican Insider) (English pdf, 71 KB)

• 16.04.2013 In Section Annals>United Kingdom: → Pastoral Visit to England for the Feast of the Annunciation (English pdf, 137 KB)

• 02.04.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume II, December, 2012-February, 2013 in Russian and Swedish (Russian pdf, 2.6 MB; Swedish pdf, 2.8 MB)

• 01.04.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Two Brothers of the St. Gregory Palamas Monastery Raised to the Rank of Archimandrite (English pdf, 1.6 MB)

• 31.03.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Hierodeacon Photii Tonsured to the Great Schema (English pdf, 607 KB)

• 26.03.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume II, December, 2012-February, 2013 in French and Italian (French pdf, 2.6 MB; Italian pdf, 3 MB)

• 22.03.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Sweden: → Feast Day of the Convent of St. Philothei of Athens, in Grillby, Sweden (English pdf, 475 KB)

• 18.03.2013 In Section Theology>Calendar>Synaxarion>Triodion: → The Holy and Great Fast (English pdf, 39 KB)

• 17.03.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece>St. Philaret the Merciful Guild: → Pilgrimage to the Special Detention Center for Youth in Volos, Greece (English pdf, 503 KB)

• 16.03.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Repose of Count Nikita Cheremeteff (English pdf, 128 KB)

• 15.03.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → An Agrypnia in Honor of St. Philothei of Athens (English pdf, 220 KB)

• 13.03.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Sardegna Ortodossa : → Numero 3, Dicembre 2012-Febbraio 2013 (pdf, 5.4 MB)

• 08.03.2013 In Section Annals>United Kingdom: → Further Commentary on the Repose of Mother Vasilia (English pdf, 41 KB)

• 06.03.2013 In Section Annals>United Kingdom: → The Repose of Nun Vasilia in London (English pdf, 219 KB)

• 05.03.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Holy Trinity Church in Spring Hill, Florida (English pdf, 1.2 MB)

• 02.03.2013 In Section Annals>Europe>Greece: → The Rôle of Women in Contemporary Society: A Lecture in Phyle (English pdf, 493 KB)

• 01.03.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume II, December, 2012-February, 2013 in English and Czech (English pdf, 2.6 MB; Czech pdf, 2.2 MB)

• 25.02.2013 In Section Synod News: → Repose of Rasophore-nun Maria in Sofia, Bulgaria (English pdf, 674 KB)

• 23.02.2013 In Section Annals>Africa>Kenya: → Pastoral Visit to Kenya (English pdf, 524 KB)

• 12.02.2013 In Section Annals>Theology>Christian Life>Orthodox Monastic Life: → Professor Father Dr. Dumitru Staniloae (1903-1993) Romanian Theologian (English pdf, 23 KB)

• 11.02.2013 In Section Annals>America: → Protopresbyter Father James Thornton Retires (English pdf, 101 KB)

• 07.02.2013 In Section Annals>Australia and New Zealand: → The Feast of St. Sava of Serbia in Canberra, Australia (English pdf, 951 KB)

• 06.02.2013 In Section Annals>South Ossetia: → The Feast of the Nativity in South Ossetia (English pdf, 285 KB)

• 04.02.2013 In Section Synod News: → First Joint Communiqué (English pdf, 390 KB)

• 10.01.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume I, September-November, 2012 in Georgian (Georgian pdf, 2.2 MB)

• 08.01.2013 In Section Synod News>Resistance Documents>Responses: → A Necessary Clarification (English pdf, 46 KB)

• 05.01.2013 In Section Publications>Periodicals>Diocesan Periodicals> Edification and Consolation : → Volume I, September-November, 2012 in Czech (Czech pdf, 2.4 MB)

• 04.01.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Enciclica per la Festa della Natività del nostro Signore e Salvatore Gesù Cristo 2012 (Italian pdf, 174 KB)

• 03.01.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Encyclique Pour La Nativité De Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, 2012 (French pdf, 202 KB)

• 02.01.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Encyclical for Nativity 2012 (English pdf, 550 KB)

• 01.01.2013 In Section Encyclicals: → Посланiе на Рожедство Господа и Бога и Спаса нашего Ӏисуса Христа (Russian pdf, 180 KB)

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